ANUNCIO: Teachers del Norte Pianists del Sur
suspendera sus actividades durante el 2014. Esperamos volver en Agosto del 2015
a ofrecer Clases Magistrales en Buenos Aires y seguir ayudando a nuestros
jovenes pianistas de Argentina. Nuestro programa ha ayudado a promover las
carreras de Agustin Muriago, Tamara Benitez, Hugo Soria, Jonathan Guelfand,
Javier albornoz, Natalia Suriano, Mariano Manzanelli y Leandro Jauregui.
Tenemos el agrado de anunciar que Teachers del Norte Pianists
del Sur, Chile 2015 , sera organizado por el pianista Chileno Jose Pedro
Zenteno siguiendo el modelo Argentino, y ayudara a promover a los jovenes
pianistas en Chile.
ANNOUNCEMENT: Teachers del Norte Pianists del Sur will suspend all
activities during 2014 . We expect to coordinate Masterclasses in Buenos Aires
in August 2015, and hope to keep helping our young pianists from Argentina.
Our Program has successfully promoted the careers of Agustin Muriago, Tamara
Benitez, Hugo Soria, Jonathan Guelfand, Javier Albornoz, Leandro Jauregui,
Natalia Suriano and Mariano Manzanelli. We are
happy to announce that Teachers del Norte Pianists del Sur, Chile 2015 will be
organized by Chilean pianist Jose Pedro Zenteno, following the Argentine
model and it will help promote the young pianists from Chile.